Furama has confirmed to support I Love Son Tra Journey from its third journey on April 10, 2016, by supporting a 16-seat car every Sunday afternoon.
Da Nang citizens as well as students who studying in Da Nang city have opportunities to visit Son Tra every Sunday afternoon from 2 PM since March 2016 by participating in I Love Son Tra Journey. It was called as a journey because from this trip, Da Nang people start their journey to learn, to understand, and to love their Son Tra peninsula with the unique natural resources. With this raising awareness program, there will be more people who give their hands-on saving Son Tra peninsula, such as participating in the “Clean for Son Tra” program, or “Volunteering for Son Tra” club.
In order to broaden the meaning of the “I Love Son Tra” journey, from the third journey, the Indochina Beach Hotel Joint Stock Company (Furama) will join with GreenViet to organize this program. Furama has confirmed to support a car every Sunday afternoon since April 10, 2016, for the journey. This cooperation brings a better chance for participants to use their time focusing on studying about Son Tra nature instead of worrying about their safe or inconvenient weather when using a motorbike to travel.

The third journey has been organizing on April 10, 2016, with the participation of 12 members including 3 high school students, 3 college students, 3 officers, and a retired woman. In which, the high school students have learned about the journey from their teacher, who has participated in the second journey. GreenViet sent 4 staffs and volunteers to support coordinating the journey including a presenter to gain knowledge about Son Tra biodiversity, a field researcher to support observing Red-shanked douc on Son Tra, a trip organizer, and a volunteer. All participants will help to collect trash on Son Tra during the journey.
I Love Son Tra Journey is a raising awareness program organized by GreenViet Biodiversity Conservation Centre (GreenViet) and Son Tra Ecotourism Management Board in order to raise the participation of local people in saving Son Tra biodiversity.
Indochina Beach Hotel Joint Stock Company (Công ty cổ phần khu du lịch Bắc Mỹ An) (Furama) is a famous business company in Da Nang City. Furama showed their interests in social activities, in which, environmental protection is also the way to contribute for the local area. Since April 2016, Furama has joined with GreenViet in “I Love Son Tra Journey” to raise awareness of local people in saving biodiversity in Son Tra peninsula.